> Le 21 f?vr. 2016 ? 22:35, Keith Medcalf <kmedcalf at dessus.com> a ?crit :
> Of course it is.
> The function merely needs to store a value associated with a connection if 
> the value does not exist (for that connection) when it is called and use a 
> commit_hook and rollback_hook so that it knows when it needs to clear the 
> value for the connection.  Then for every call on a connection where the a 
> exists, return that value.

So from the SQL function implementation using sqlite3 
*sqlite3_context_db_handle(sqlite3_context*) to distinguish between 
connections, and relying on commit/rollback hooks to discover when transactions 
end (time to reset value).

I take it there is nothing like some kind of a transient transaction 'integer 
autoincrement' ID which I could have retrieved from the SQL function?

Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten, Best Regards,
Olivier Mascia, integral.be/om

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