OK, will try that.
sqlite3_release_memory doesn't have the DB connection as an argument, but
sqlite3_db_release_memory and that has that as an argument and that may
work better.


On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 6:05 AM, Scott Hess <shess at google.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 3:03 PM, Bart Smissaert <bart.smissaert at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Have compiled sqlite3.dll (latest) compiled with
> > but sofar
> > not been able yet to make sqlite3_release_memory produce anything else
> than
> > 0.
> > What would be the simplest way to make this happen?
> > I don't want to do this with C coding, so it should be some SQL scenario
> or
> > to do with simple
> > SQLite functions such as sqlite3_step, _prepare, -finalize etc.
> Last time I was paying attention to this, I believe that I found that the
> biggest effect was to free unpinned pages from the page cache.  So it might
> not free pages if you're in a transaction, for instance.  I would guess
> that if you had memory-mapped mode on and are doing only reads, there would
> be no pages to free (mmap pages aren't in the page cache).  So you should
> see results if you start a transaction, do a few update statements, commit
> the transaction, the call sqlite3_release_memory(db).
> -scott
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