On 14 January 2016 at 22:31, Warren Young <wyml at etr-usa.com> wrote:
> For no especially good reason, I decided to turn off all SQLite features I?m 
> not using now and which I have no plans to use in the future.
> My current DB doesn?t use any FP columns, so I rebuild SQLite with 
> SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT and ran ran into a bunch of breakage:
> 1. The (double) cast on line 66942 of the current amalgamation in 
> valueFromExpr() produces a warning.  Most of that block probably should go 
> away if FP is disabled.


SQLITE_OMIT_xxx options "may only be used when the library is built
from canonical source, not from the amalgamation"


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