On 22 January 2016 at 06:33, Warren Young <wyml at etr-usa.com> wrote:

> With SQLite?s lack of row-level locking, your usage pattern should distill
> to ?get in, get done, and get out, ASAP.?  Many fine-grained queries are
> better than heroic multi-statement queries that change the world.

To a point I agree, but in reality there's a fixed amount of work involved
with each write transaction. I recently profiled an operation involving
~75,000 rows that took ~8.5 minutes to complete, and found that 80% of the
time was spent waiting for COMMIT to complete. Rewriting the code so that
all the work happened in a single transaction immediately dropped the
overall time down to ~1.66 minutes.

This was on standard desktop hardware running CentOS, with no other
connections open against the database (located on a local ext4 filesystem).
The tradeoff of course is that no one will be able to write to the database
for the duration of this transaction, but in this case the ~7 minute saving
is certainly worth it.


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