On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 5:08 PM, Richard Hipp <drh at sqlite.org> wrote:

> On 1/25/16, Stephen Chrzanowski <pontiac76 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > You also have to look at balance across many millions (or is it
> billions?)
> > of devices out there that use SQLite for their primary operations.
> Billions and billions.


> I don't think it is even that serious.  This problem is that if you
> (for example) set a new bookmark on your browser just as the cat is
> tripping over the power cord, then after reboot the bookmark
> disappears.  The bookmark database is still completely intact - it
> just went backwards in time a little.

Or, alternately, it _never went forward_ in time.

----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf

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