Hi people out there,

I initially subscribed for another question (which I will post later), when I 
came to something which surprised me.

Given this:


On this:

    INSERT INTO test (value) VALUES('A');
    INSERT INTO test (value) VALUES('A')

? the second statement triggers an error due to a `UNIQUE` constraint 
violation, as expected.

However, this can be repeated many times:

    INSERT INTO test (value) VALUES(NULL)
    INSERT INTO test (value) VALUES(NULL)
    INSERT INTO test (value) VALUES(NULL)
    -- And so on??

? it does not trigger any error.

Is this expected? Well, one may understand it as ?is this expected for SQLite?, 
so I prefer two questions instead:

 * Is this expected for SQLite?
 * it this expected for standard SQL?

(the latter is also a link to another other question to be posted)

Yannick Duch?ne

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