On Sat, 30 Jan 2016 14:56:15 -0500
"James K. Lowden" <jklowden at schemamania.org> wrote:

> On Thu, 28 Jan 2016 16:47:40 -0500
> Jim Callahan <jim.callahan.orlando at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am hopeful this new JDBC based interface will provide as
> > satisfactory high level channel between SQLite3 and Python.
> As someone who's written a couple of OO DBMS libraries and uses the
> Python SQLIte module, I wonder what you're hoping to see.  What example
> do you have in mind for OO functionality not already there?    

I have not read the thread, and just react on this: I agree, there is not that 
much to hope from OO?? in the general case. In my opinion (which some others 
share), OO is a bag of miscellaneous things which are better tools and better 
understood when accosted individually. Just trying to define what OO is, shows 
it: is this about late binding? (if it is, then there sub?program references, 
first?class functions, or even static polymorphism and signature overloading) 
About encapsulation? (if it is, then there is already modularity and scopes) 
About grouping logically related entities? (if it is, there is already 
modularity, and sometime physically grouping is a bad physical design). This 
may be compared to AJAX, which was nothing new, simply a brand on a set of 
things known since long, and understanding AJAX is not possible, there nothing 
to understand about it, while there are things to understand about what it 

And especially about OO and DB, I know there are complains OO hides too much 
the data model of DBs (I feel to see).

Yannick Duch?ne

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