Hello !  

Comparing the three systems tested:  

raspibian raspberry pi3: 53us  

linux celeron: 12us  

os x i5: 7.7us  

One thing that I was expecting is that when using all core/threads (and
because basically all data in in memory/cache) that I'll have around 100% cpu
load but I don't, so there is something that is preventing usage of all
system resources (cpu).  

On linux I set the threads scope to PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM (but it doesn't
changed anything).  

Here is a snapshoot of top:  

%Cpu(s): 55.1 us,? 1.2 sy,? 0.0 ni, 43.4 id,? 0.3 wa,? 0.0 hi,? 0.0
si,? 0.0 st
KiB Mem:?? 5953276 total,? 5562752 used,?? 390524 free,?? 404528
KiB Swap: 12582908 total,?? 860748 used, 11722160 free.? 1396640 cached

? PID USER????? PR? NI??? VIRT??? RES??? SHR S? %CPU
29115 xxxx ??? 20?? 0? 162800??? 928??? 832 S 100.7? 0.0??
0:13.37 sqlite-wal+  


And here is the output of /usr/bin/time:  

7.63user 0.07system 0:08.00elapsed 96%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
0inputs+0outputs (0major+238minor)pagefaults 0swaps  

What's missing here ? Can someone give an insight here ?  

Cheers !  


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