On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 6:39 AM, Olivier Mascia <om at integral.be> wrote:

> > Le 31 mars 2016 ? 11:03, Clemens Ladisch <clemens at ladisch.de> a ?crit :
> >> I think it is obvious I could build a SQL statement from within the
> >> function and execute it. But it sounds costly to involve the parser
> >> (yes, it's fast) for that, isn't it?
> >
> > You can prepare the statement beforehand.
> Not really. Preparing the statement involves the connection object which
> won't be known before function call. So preparation has to be done
> dynamically.  Did I really miss something here?

Put your function's persistent storage in the void*pApp passed to
sqlite3_create_function(), then get it back using sqlite3_user_data(ctx).
If the user_data is per-db, then you can have per-db state in there.


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