Hi Simon,
   I know that the "DATE" type isn't actually a type in SQLite and that there 
are no date-specific constraints, but I find it a convenient indicator (to me 
and potentially anyone else who's going to see the code) as to the type of data 
that is to be held in that column. I figured that's why those "type" synonyms 
exist (I use DATETIME as well!)

---- On Wed, 11 May 2016 23:45:44 +0100 Simon Slavin<slavins at 
bigfraud.org> wrote ---- 

On 11 May 2016, at 11:20pm, Jonathan <jonathan-lists at lightpear.com> 

> // time_date DATE,// 

SQLite has no DATE type. Put your data in that table and try this command: 

SELECT time_date,typeof(time_date) FROM my_table 

Then try it again, this time defining that column as TEXT. 

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