Imagine I have a single table containing a single text column, of user names.
I'm trying to find user names which differ only by case.

> select count(*) from os_users

> select u1.user, u2.user from os_users u1, os_users u2 where upper(u1.user) = 
> upper(u2.user) and u1.user <> u2.user

> select user from os_users u where exists (select 1 from os_users u2 where 
> upper(u2.user) = upper(u.user) and u2.user <> u.user)

I tried both queries above, but they are slow (almost 3s, with close
to 4M steps, i.e. O(N^2)), and ideally I'd like a query returning only
one row. And that's w/ or w/o a PK or UNIQUE INDEX on the one column.

> select group_concat(user) from os_users group by upper(user) having count(*) 
> > 1

I did manage the above, which returns in 7ms, and get me what I want,
but in aggregated form (thus needs reparsing). Is there a query that
can return just foo|FOO, i.e. the pairs of mixed-case matches

Thanks, --DD

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