On 15 May 2016, at 6:04am, Darren Duncan <darren at darrenduncan.net> wrote:

> You seem to be forgetting the fact that LIMIT/OFFSET is not its own clause, 
> rather it is an extension to the ORDER BY clause and only has meaning within 
> the context of the ORDER BY it is part of.

All true.  But it brings up a question.  Suppose the following:

first   second
-----   ------
Mark    Spark
Emily   Spark
Mary    Soper
Brian   Soper

SELECT first,second FROM members ORDER BY second LIMIT 3

Without looking up either a standards document for SQL or the documentation for 
your favourite implementations of SQL, answer this question:

Does the documentation for your favourite implementation of SQL state that 
you'll get the same rows every time you execute the above "SELECT" ?


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