I am interested in using the LSM 

The characteristics of my application is that I would like to enable the 
memory-mapped file feature so that I can offload data in memory to disk 
temporarily.    I don't care about data-recover after my application shuts down 
or it crashes.   In fact, the application will create a new database each time 
it starts up.

The reason to do this is to be able to address hundreds of gigs of data in a 
key/value store method.   We would it put it in RAM but that would require a 
lot of RAM.    By putting the data on disk, we can work with very large sets of 

I care a lot about performance.  If I had the RAM, all of this would be in RAM 
(non-persistent and transien)

My question is, if I have LSM_CONFIG_MMAP enabled, and on a 64-bit system I 
believe it's enabled by default, what happens if I also turn off 
LSM_CONFIG_SAFETY and LSM_CONFIG_USE_LOG.   Would that not make things a lot 

I don't need data to be written to disk right away..   In fact, I would be okay 
if data were only written to disk when there the memory that is occupied by the 
data has to be reused - because persistence is not a factor.

Anyone use LSM for this type of a use case?

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