Hi List,
I've come across a little curiousity and was wondering what was going on 
(and if there's an even better way).

I have some DATETIME data:

2013-06-03 16:08:55+01:00
2013-06-03 16:46:22+00:00
2013-06-03 16:48:57+00:00

I want to get the the start of the day that was 28 days ago from the 
max() value.

I can think of two ways to do this and as best I can tell they both give 
the same (correct) result:

     --Get the maximum datetime value (the inner "datetime()" is 
required so that the max() takes into account the timezones) and then 
work out the necessary time/date for 28 days ago for the one result.
     datetime( max( datetime(my_timedate_column)) , '-28 day' , 'start 
of day' )
     from my_table

     --Convert all datetimes to the date 28 days ago, then get the 
maximum from them.

     max( datetime(my_timedate_column, '-28 day' , 'start of day' ) )
     from my_table

As far as I can tell from my non-thorough testing, the first of these is 
a smidgen (5-10%) faster than the second although the second is easier 
to read. Logically I can see why the second would be slower, but I was 
hoping the second would be optimised to the same thing as the first.

Is there a reason for this? And is there a even more efficient way to do 

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