> It is my understanding that Android N will no longer allow apps to use the
> system-installed SQLite library (unless they go through the Android Java
> API, android.database.sqlite).
> This is unfortunate, as many existing Android apps do access libsqlite3
> directly and will crash on Android N.
> Apps which ONLY use the Java API will be unaffected.
> Apps that do NOT use the Java API will need to bundle their own SQLite
> library, if they are not doing so already.
> And then, there is a particularly unfortunate group:  Apps which do some of
> their SQLite operations through the Java API, but also do some things
> through direct access to libsqlite.
> Because of the POSIX locking issues, these apps cannot just bundle a SQLite
> and let the two sections of their code each use their own instance of the
> library.  The result will be a corrupt SQLite file.  So the only obvious
> fix for apps in this situation is to change their code to "ONLY use the
> Java API" or "NOT use the Java API".
> Of course, another option would be for Google to reconsider and make
> libsqlite part of the NDK public APIs.  :-)

This would be problematic for me too. Is there a citation?

Having used the Android API and the C API in the same app, I have to conclude 
that the Android API corrupts databases at a prolific rate. The Android API is 
also rather stupid, forcing the use of 
stupid "convenience" APIs like  update(java.lang.String table, 
android.content.ContentValues values, java.lang.String whereClause, 
java.lang.String[] whereArgs). (I was never able to use an UPDATE statement and 
not have things break.) 

I hope Google comes to their senses, or provides a proper interface.

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