Do you have secure_delete turned on?
Do you have triggers on the table you are trying to delete?
Is the table you are deleting from the parent table of any referential 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sqlite-users []
> On Behalf Of Bhavesh Patel
> Sent: Friday, 9 September, 2016 06:50
> To: SQLite mailing list
> Subject: [sqlite] sqlite - Delete large table in sqlite
> I have a 4GB SQLite database (currently using SQLCipher for encryption). I
> have created a physical table in the SQLite DB which has approx 200000
> rows x 183 columns. When I am trying to delete the table. Sqlite is taking
> up a lot of time to delete the huge table.
> I tried drop table and also delete all the rows - in both the cases it
> takes up 1-2 minutes approx.
> during the process of delete/drop is running, if I try to connect I
> randomly get database lock error.
> I would like to know if there is any optimized way to delete such huge
> table or any other ways to run drop/delete but allow other users to
> connect and use the database or can avoid waiting of other connect to the
> DB?
> Thanks in advance
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