The database evolved over the past ten years with many modifications over time. I decided to just do it the hard way. Created the schema from scratch in sqlite, exported each table as csv from mysql (22 of them). Mysql workbench only exports to csv at the table level, not at the database level. Then I imported the csv into the new sqlite database. Everything seems to have transferred properly that way and all the garbage from years gone by is scrubbed.

Scott Doctor

On 9/10/2016 14:39, Simon Slavin wrote:
On 10 Sep 2016, at 10:24pm, Scott Doctor <> wrote:

Anyone know of a utility to directly convert from MySQL to sqlite?
What syntax does the SQL dump use that the SQLite command-line shell doesn't 
like ?

I generally do this stuff using find/replace in a text processor (TextEdit on 
the Mac, NOTEPAD on Windows).

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