I have two tables:
CREATE TABLE M ( CombineKeyFields, EvtNbr, TransDate, OtherFields, PRIMARY 
KEY(CombinedKeyFields, EvtNbr, TransDate));CREATE TABLE E  ( CombineKeyFields, 
EvtNbr, TransDate, OtherFields, PRIMARY KEY(CombinedKeyFields, EvtNbr, 
"CombinedKeyFields" is shorthand for a combination of about a half dozen fields 
in the primary key."TransDate" is an integer storing a proprietary date 
sequence number, where an older date is always less than a newer date
Now, I want to do E LEFT JOIN M
(1) The CombinedKeyFields must always match in each table(2) Match using the 
EvtNbr, but if no match, use the lowest M.EvtNbr that matches the 

(3) Match using the TransDate but if no exact match, match on the M.TransDate 
that is less than the E.TransDate but greater than the prior E.TransDate
For M.TransDate = 94E.TransDate = 96 will match to 94but E.TransDate = 98 will 
have no match because 94 is less than the prior trans at 96..The idea is to 
find the closest date that matches that couldn't be matched to another record.
All this data is coming from upstream data, so this is the data we have on 
hand, though the schema for this reporting package can still be changed, but I 
would have to justify the change by saying the report can only be done with the 
Can this join be done in SQL?
If this were an inner join, I believe I could use CASE statements in the WHERE 
clause, but I'm not sure that would work moving it to the JOIN... ON clause.
Any advice or help is much appreciated.
Saying a prayer that the email gods won't wrap all these lines together in to 
an unreadable mess like the last time I asked for advice here...
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