On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 1:39 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On 9/23/16, Dominique Devienne <ddevie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > For a long time, I've wanted to bind the RHS of a IN operator of
> arbitrary size,
> See the carray() table-valued function extension:
> https://www.sqlite.org/draft/carray.html

Thanks for the reminder.

My RHS is a list of guids in the form of blob(16) values, so carray doesn't
I can of course make my own carray-like eponymous vtable, but honestly
a pointer to an array who's lifetime is not managed by SQLite is a hack

This is what I wish for:

sqlite3_bind_row_value( // or sqlite3_bind_array, either way
  int, // bind index
  void *pApp, // access via sqlite3_user_data(), and passed in to callbacks
  int (*xSize)(sqlite3_context*, void* pApp), // optional? but if provided,
used by query planner
  int (*xItem)(sqlite3_context*, void* pApp), // returns SQLITE_OK or
SQLITE_DONE (unless xSize required)
  void(*xDestroy)(void* pApp)

This is like an "anonymous" "eponymous" "temporary" vtable, whose lifetime
is managed
by SQLite properly. It's a cross between a sqlite3_bind_* and
sqlite3_register_*, and the
sqlite3_context* allows to return one value at a time, with an optional
cardinality method
to allow the query planner to use the best plan, but w/o the
sqlite3_value** argument
since binding does not depend on runtime arguments.

And by reusing the machinery of https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/context.html,
we can even leverage the recent
https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/result_subtype.html too.

AFAIK, this is much easier than eponymous vtables, but more importantly
it is safe, clean, with proper (temporary) lifetime semantics, and
anonymous too.

My $0.02. --DD
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