On 2016-10-07 10:46 PM, Damien Sykes-Lindley wrote:
Hi there,
My name is Damien Lindley, and I am, among other things, an independent, 
hobbiest programmer. I have been blind since birth and thus all my computer 
work relies on screenreader software and keyboard.
I have only just come through the brink of scripting into compiled programming 
and so I guess I am still a beginner in many respects. However I don’t work in 
C or C++, so most of my programming, if using a library, relies on precompiled 
static or dynamic libraries. Or of course libraries that are written or 
converted specifically for the language I work in (FreeBASIC).
Recently, I decided I needed to create a piece of software that could manage 
family trees, since there seems to be a lack of screenreader accessible 
genealogy managers out there. I was advised the best way to do this is to use a 
database engine. I was also informed that SQLite is always a good choice for 
I must admit, I have never worked with databases before and so now I am in the 
process of learning SQL. However looking at the programming API for SQLite I 
cannot see any means of password protecting the database without either buying 
a commercial extension to do this, or recompiling SQLite with the 
authentication extension. Due to financial constraints and unfamiliarity with 
compiling in C both of these are not an option for me. Also I need a secure way 
to do this, as I think I read that the SQLite version simply uses a table to 
store the user data, which of course can be read and accessed elsewhere.
Are there any other options available for doing this?
Any help appreciated.


Why do you need to password protect the database?

Genealogy information is generally of the public record variety so there is nothing sensitive to protect. I am making genealogy software myself and so am familiar with many of the relevant issues.

I would say please explain why you think you need password protection for this project and then the real issue at hand can be addressed.

If yours is a network application and you don't want people on the open internet from accessing the database, fair enough, but that's an application-level solution; what you're asking for here is that people who have direct access to the SQLite database file are blocked by a password, and this I question.

-- Darren Duncan

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