> On these tables this query is very slow (about 1 row per second)
> select g.id  from general g, general_text gt where g.id = gt.id;
> and these ones have a normal speed:
> select g.id  from general g, general_text_content gt where g.id = gt.docid;

I think the point is that you cannot declare the ID field of
general_text as an primary key. In FTS 3 tables, the docid member is
already a primary key, so it is highly possible that your join does
not use an index and parses all the rows of the table.

A solution would be to insure that general.id and general_text.docid
have the same id, which can probably be achieved by using
last_insert_rowid() after inserting to general_text (warning, there
were a bug in that case if you happen to delete and insert rows again
in general_text - you'd need to do that within a transaction to have
the correct rowid).

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