Hello Glen,

I'm not a Linux guy (though I've installed it and run a DB on it
before) but,

GS> There was an error parsing the RHN proxy settings.
GS> RHN support will be disabled.

Suggests your install can't get out on to the 'net to find the files
you're looking for. If YUM can't get to the net, YUM can't download
the upgrades.


Thursday, June 17, 2010, 10:13:01 AM, you wrote:

GS> Thanks.

GS> It doesn't appear that I have the necessary files to install gcc:

GS> [r...@selkirk 4.1.1]# gcc -v
GS> bash: gcc: command not found
GS> [r...@selkirk 4.1.1]# yum install gcc
GS> Loading "installonlyn" plugin
GS> Loading "rhnplugin" plugin
GS> There was an error parsing the RHN proxy settings.
GS> RHN support will be disabled.
GS> Setting up Install Process
GS> Setting up repositories
GS> No Repositories Available to Set Up
GS> Reading repository metadata in from local files
GS> Parsing package install arguments
GS> Setting up repositories
GS> No Repositories Available to Set Up
GS> Reading repository metadata in from local files
GS> No Match for argument: gcc
GS> Nothing to do
GS> [r...@selkirk 4.1.1]#

GS> Should I get this from RHS (I don't have install CDs)? 

GS> Glen Scratchley
GS> DMS Solutions Architect
GS> Macro 4, Inc. 

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