On Thursday, July 01, 2010 9:56 PM, Miha Vrhovnik wrote:

> It's time to get rid of your current e-mail client ...
> ... and start using si.Mail.
> It's small & free. ( http://www.simail.si/ )

A nice little advert and out of curiosity I went to the website and had a 
little look around.  I assume you yourself use this mail program since I see 
you wrote it, therefore, I go back to my original comment:

>>More seriously though... I think your spam blocker may need updating.
>>"Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook" -- well, actually it
>>wasn't pretending or least only to the level that MS software *may*

I can tell you that I am, indeed now, sending this email from within 
Outlook.  You'll understand why if you view my last post on the web archive, 
since the line breaks get mangled when sending from hotmail.

I had a look for your source code but couldn't find it on the site and the 
CVS repository on Sourceforge seems very out-of-date.  I'm afraid I'm a 
little sceptical of targetted suggestions to change my email client, 
especially given how much email hacking goes on.  I'm not suggesting your 
software does this, just that I can't verify it through browsing the source 
code, and the circumstances however well-intentioned, come across just a 
little suspicious!

I hope I don't cause offense.  From what I saw, your email client certainly 
looks nice, but I'd want to check it out more thoroughly before changing to 


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