This should return a the equivalent keys in the two maps.  The basic 
idea is to compare the values in each key in foo(left outer join foo) 
with the values for each key in bar where there are any matching 
values(left outer join bar) and only select those with a complete match( 
inner join).  Not sure this is the most efficient way.

select distinct f1 .key as foo_key, b1.key as bar_key
from bar b1
inner join foo f1 on f1 .value = b1.value
not exists
-- Values for a particular key in foo
select f3.value from foo f3 left outer join bar b3 on b3.value= f3.value 
WHERE f3.key= f1.key
-- Values for a particular key in bar
select f3.value from bar b3 left outer join foo f3 on b3.value= f3.value 
WHERE b3.key = b1.key
-- Values common to both foo key and bar key
select f2.value from foo f2 inner join bar b2 on b2.value = f2.value 
WHERE b2.key = b1.key AND f2.key= f1.key

On 11/19/2010 1:03 PM, Petite Abeille wrote:
> Hello,
> Given two tables describing sequences of key value pairs, what would be a 
> reasonable way to join them?
> For example, assuming two table foo and bar with identical structure:
> create temporary table foo
> (
>      key         integer not null,
>      value       text not null,
>      constraint  foo_pk primary key( key, value )
> );
> create temporary table bar
> (
>      key         integer not null,
>      value       text not null,
>      constraint  bar_pk primary key( key, value )
> );
> And a set of sequences in each of the table:
> insert into foo values( 1, 'a' );
> insert into foo values( 2, 'a' );
> insert into foo values( 2, 'b' );
> insert into foo values( 3, 'a' );
> insert into foo values( 3, 'b' );
> insert into foo values( 3, 'c' );
> insert into bar values( 4, 'a' );
> insert into bar values( 4, 'b' );
> What would be a good way to join foo( 2, 'a', )( 2, 'b' ) to bar( 4, 'a', )( 
> 4, 'b' )? In other words, join the sequences with the same values?
> Right now, I'm using group_concat to flatten the sequences:
> select  *
> from    (
>              select      key,
>                          group_concat( value ) as value
>              from        foo
>              group by    key
>          )
> as      foo
> join    (
>              select      key,
>                          group_concat( value ) as value
>              from        bar
>              group by    key
>          )
> as      bar
> on      bar.value = foo.value
> Which results in:
> key|value|key|value
> 2|a,b|4|a,b
> All good, if perhaps clunky.
> But the documentation for group_concat mention that the order of the 
> concatenated elements is arbitrary [1]. Which perhaps would preclude 
> group_concat from being reliably use as a join predicate, no?
> Could someone think of a nice alternative to group_concat to join such data 
> structure?
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> PA.
> [1]
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