Why are you looking for a duplicate with col4 instead of the unique key, 
col2, col3 that caused the collision?

On 12/1/2010 7:29 AM, Hemant Shah wrote:
> Folks,
> My C program creates a in-memory database. It creates a table and a unique 
> index on two columns. If the insert fails due to unique index, it prints old 
> row and new row. Sometimes it cannot find the old row even though the insert 
> failed.
> Here is the pseudo code:
> CreateStmt = “create table mytable (TimeStamp char[50], col2 [char 10], col3 
> int, col4 char[33]”;
> sqlite3_exec(CreateStmt)
> IndexStmt = “create unique index myidx (col3 asc, col4 asc)”;
> sqlite3_exec(IndexStmt);
> InsertStmt = “insert into mytable (TimeStamp, col2, col3, col4) values 
> (?,?,?,?)”;
> sqlite3_prepare_v2(InsertStmt)
> sqlite3_bind calls for each column
> ReturnCode = sqlite3_step(InsertStmtHandle);
> if (ReturnCode != SQLITE_DONE)
> {
>     sqlite3_reset(InsertStmtHandle);
>     if (sqlite3_errcode(DbHandle) == SQLITE_CONSTRAINT)
>     {
>        /* duplicate row */
>        sqlite3_finalize(InsertStmtHandle);
>        sqlite3_exec(DbHandle, "COMMIT", NULL, NULL, NULL);
>        SelectStmt = “select TimeStamp, col2, col3, col4 from mytable where 
> col4 = ?”;
>        sqlite3_prepare_v2(SelectStmt)
>        sqlite3_bind calls
>        ReturnCode = sqlite3_step(SelectStmtHandle);
>        if (ReturnCode != SQLITE_ROW)
>        {
>           sqlite3_reset(SelectStmtHandle);
>           printf("Row not found. ReturnCode: %d, Error Message:%s, Error 
> Code: %d\n", ReturnCode, sqlite3_errmsg(DbHandle), sqlite3_errcode(DbHandle));
>        }
>        else
>        {
>           /* print row */
>        }
>     }
>     else
>     {
>        /* other error
>     }
> }
> The program prints ReturnCode as 101 which is SQLITE_DONE and error messages 
> is “No error message”, errcode is 0.
> If the insert statement failed because of duplicate row, then why did it not 
> find the old row?
> This only happens for some of the rows.
> I am inserting rows at very high rate (about every 50 microseconds) and only 
> keep one minute worth of data in the table.
> How do I debug/fix this problem?
> Thanks.
> Hemant Shah
> E-mail: hj...@yahoo.com
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