On 07.02.2011 23:47 CE(S)T, Samuel Adam wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Feb 2011 03:16:54 -0500, Philip Graham Willoughby  
> <phil.willoug...@strawberrycat.com> wrote:
>> What about:
>> UPDATE "message_revision" SET "Data" = CAST ("Data" AS BLOB);
> Y’know the urban legend about the folks at the restaurant who design a  
> complicated plan for switching the contents of salt and pepper shakers  
> which have their hats juxtaposed, and then a passer-by suggests just  
> switching the caps?

I don't know that story nor do I understand it. But would that trigger
thing work? That would be something I could set up easily.

It's not that important issue for my anymore. I've simply decided to not
store binary data in the SQLite database in this application anymore but
instead write it to disk. Storing files in the database should only be
of interest here if you cannot write to disk, but when using SQLite you
obviously can do that.

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <nospam.l...@unclassified.de>
Visit my web laboratory at http://beta.unclassified.de
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