2011/11/2 Black, Michael (IS)

> Then, when you restart the file is on system disk and it is flushing each
> insert to system disk on the WAL file slowing things down dramaticalliy.

I do not use WAL, since I have turned 'journal_mode' off (to improve insert
performance), and as far as I know WAL is only usefull when you need to
keep a journal?

I also have 'synchronous' off, so SQLite shouldn't be waiting for any
filesystem flushes. I hoped it was writing all the newly inserted rows to
disk using a single operation, as soon as I call 'commit'. But I observed
it, and found out its already writing the rows as soon as soon as they are
inserted, not batching them for when I call commit.

So that could be part of the problem. I don't have a real Windows machine
at hand, so I will build one tomorrow, but if your expectations are
correct, than it will be even slower than inside a virtual machine, because
it will do individiual writes for the 1 million rows too, making
performance even worse than it is now.

Anothing thing is that I don't expect the slow performance have anything to
do with slow disk writes, only with disk reads. I know this because when I
make the index UNIQUE, and try to insert 10.000 duplicate rows (which are
all ignored), it has the same bad performance, even though there are zero
bytes written to disk. So it points in the direction of the reads making it
slow, not the writes.
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