On 9 Nov 2011, at 10:21pm, yqpl wrote:

> im starting a transaction
> then make a lot of inserts and commit.
> ive got about 30 inserts per second but after a while it is dropping to
> about 1-2 inserts per second. it takse about ~500 inserts to drop to this
> 1-2 insert per sec.

Here is a guess, but it is just a guess.

Your computer has a certain amount of memory, or disk cache free.  While your 
whole SQLite database fits in that space, your process is fast.  Once the 
database gets bigger than that amount of free, the computer has to keep 
swapping bits of file in and out, and this makes the process slower.  So my 
guess is that the slow down will be related not to the number of inserts so 
far, but to the total size of the database file so far.

Something that will help to clarify this is to get an idea of how big the files 
are that you are inserting.  There was a recent post to this list where the 
SQLite team had tested the relative speeds of holding entire image files in a 
SQLite database compared to holding just the paths of those files.

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