On 01.12.2011 18:58 CE(S)T, Sreekumar TP wrote:
> During the measurement of manual checkpoint times, I see the following
> behaviour -
> # of WAL frames checkpointed is over 1000
> size of DB has not changed after checkpoint.(measured using fstat)
> Time for the checkpoint if around 500 ms.
> Why is it that eventhough 1000+ frames are checkpointed, the DB size has
> not increased ?
> All records inserted are new and unique records and insertions start from
> empty database.

Could it be that the pages were not actually written to the database
because there was a reader lock on them? Did any other process access
the database (and thus hold any locks) while you did the checkpointing?

(Wild guess. I've only learned about WAL and started using it yesterday.
I've read the whole WAL documentation page [1] though.)

[1] http://sqlite.org/wal.html

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <nospam.l...@unclassified.de>
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