Larry Brasfield wrote, On 1/31/2012 11:36 AM:
Bill McCormick wrote:
> <      PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;
So when I run an update command (to update some arbitrary record) from
the sqlite3 command line, do I need to do something to do a checkpoint?

By "checkpoint", I presume you mean some previous state of the database to which you can revert. Since the database is a file, you can keep a copy of it, as another file. Or you could put your update in a transaction. However, for a single-record update, there is no point. SQLite is pretty robust once you've set journal_mode=WAL.

Best regards,
Sorry. I was running some UPDATE commands that were doing nothing because I'm stupid and don't pay attention to the field name I'm using in my WHERE clause. Funny how SQL works; it really can't figure out what you REALLY want to do :) Maybe somebody who is really smart could figure out how to add a feature to do this? :)
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