> Hi

> I would like some help to use SQLite as a general information resource
> on my pc's.
> I would like to use open source software but will consider proprietary
> software.
> Even better would be portable software, I could take all my photos and
> the means of searching them on a disk drive.

> In fact I would like my first project to be a database of all my photos.
> I think I need:
> dbadmin tool,
> db front end,
> image viewer from BLOB to screen view.
> Means of storing image in db.

> To get me started could anyone suggest software tools please.
> Intend to learn ADO, ColdFusion,
> I program a little in DBA with msAccess, html, CSS, basic.
> Have used C.

Hello Scriptham,

I think MyJSQLView can do this for you. Download and extract the folder
contents to your hard drive. Install the Xerail SQLite JDBC to your Java
Runtime lib/ext directory. Use default settings for SQLite login, specifying
the database file. You can use the test sqliteType.sql file to create your
own table with a id key, and blob type. Import the table to create the
table in the database. Though MyJSQLView does not have a image viewer for
the blob, pictures, I have seen some. You could modify the Java source
to view them or make a plugin. If you need additional help let me know I
may have some other projects that do have a image viewer that I could steer
you to.

MyJSQLView - myjsqlview.org
SQLiteJDBC - xerial.org

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