Simon Slavin wrote:
On 27 Mar 2012, at 11:50pm, Simon <> wrote:

Thank you all very much for all your answers, they have been most useful.

You're welcome.  Something else to consider is whether you should be doing this 
in C.  C++ can do everything, but it's not ideally suited to heavy mathematical 
operations.  You might want to consider using R (a free Matlab-like system 
available for pretty-much every OS) which already has a ton of mathematical and 
graphical functions:


I can tell you from experience, writing code to extract, rearrange, analyse and 
plot data is /far/ faster in R than it is in C, even if you don't know R very 
well.  R has a package RSQLite which gives it access to data stored in SQLite 
databases.  So you could write your data-gathering code in C, use that to feed 
the data into an SQLite database, then use R to do your analysis.  You might 
like to take a look at this:


If you're using C because you already have something else you want to interface 
with, sorry for wasting your time.

Something not mentioned, but an alternative solution is to use Postgres 8.4+ (9.1 latest), which lets you do window functions directly in SQL. I know thats a not-SQLite solution, but it may be the least work to accomplish what you want, as its still terse/declarational SQL, and its also open source. -- Darren Duncan
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