On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 8:52 AM, Alexandr Němec <a.ne...@atlas.cz> wrote:
>> The first warning is harmless and results from a prior datatype change.
>> Dan has already fixed that one.  The other four appear to be due to an
>> compiler bug, since every (i64%int) operation will always yield a value
>> that can fit in an int, no?
> Ok, thank for this comment. Of course, you are right, although I wouldn't
> call it a compiler bug. The (i64%int) operation, gives an int result, but
> allocated into an i64 value, so this is why the compiler reports the
> warning. But thanks, it is obvious now, that these warnings can be ignored.

The compiler is complaining about an int64->int conversion, not the reverse.

Why on Earth would going from an int (64-bit or smaller) to an int64
cause a problem?

No, this is a compiler bug.

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