On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 07:28:04AM -0400, Richard Hipp wrote:
> Please see http://www.sqlite.org/src/artifact/2ece66438?ln=13-75

I've been thinking for a while -ever since I happened upon jq(1)- that a
marriage of jq and SQLite3 would be wonderful.

jq is a JSON query language.  It's a functional language.

In my mind this would consist of:

 - a jq function for sqlite3
 - a jq array grouping aggregate function for sqlite3
 - a jq virtual table for sqlite3 (for, e.g., disaggregating values)
 - a jq binding for sqlite3 (so SQLite3 can be invoked from jq)

The IN array binding could then be handled like this:

sqlite3> SELECT * FROM foo WHERE jq('contains($arg1), :in_list, column1);

The value bound to :in_list would be a JSON array or object (faster for
larger sets) of values.

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