On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 8:57 PM, RSmith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:
> Can you honestly use tables without a single unique reference to them?

Plain piles of data abound in quantities so voluminous that there's no
time to index them (of course, one would not apply SQLite3 to such a
dataset, I'm only pointing out that they exist).  In the sciences
there are many cases where enormous datasets are produced and consumed
(analyzed) on the spot, with no chance of persistent storage of the
raw data (much less indexing).  There's bound to be datasets where
unique keys are not useful or necessary.

> Consider your suggestion in carnate here in the following Table on which
> some indices may exist but none are Unique:

In one case where I've used this column-oriented approach there's no
schema for me to enforce: the data is already clean and there will
only be multiple attribute value pairs (triples) with the same values
where that makes sense (to some consumer, possibly not me) or where
collisions are harmless (think of a "comments" attribute).  And in
this case, because I have no use for such things I can safely accept
the UNIQUE constraint and use INSERT OR REPLACE|IGNORE or equivalent
constructions such as WHERE NOT EXISTS (...).

In another case there's a schema to enforce and I have no use for
"sequence multiplicity", only "set multiplicity", therefore a UNIQUE
constraint would be fine, but I need to defer enforcement of UNIQUE
constraints to the end of each transaction, something that SQLite3
can't do, so I resort to using non-UNIQUE indexes and checking that a
transaction adds no collisions as the last step.  Even if SQLite3 had
deferred UNIQUE constraint enforcement I can think of data where I
might like to allow for sequence multiplicity (e.g., as an indirect
way of counting things without first having to total them up, though
obviously only for things with small cardinality as normally
aggregation is to be preferred at all costs; it might be faster to
append to a dataset than to update it randomly).

> The column to the far left exists so that I can point out rows to you, but
> it does not exist in the table, only the ones with headings do. There are no
> unique indices nor any primary key.  How would you construct a query to fix
> the second monkey reference in row 5 (say you want it to be another animal)
> without affecting the other one in row 4?  Or just delete the second one and
> [...]

That seems like the wrong questions to ask.  If you chose to allow
this dataset then when updating (9, 'monkey') you'd want to update
both those rows.  You could count them, so you know there's two, and
you could delete them and re-add only one (or three) if you like, and
this would be true even without any kind of index as long as you could
scan the table.

> Unless a Table is just a list of values for which you never want to adjust
> them, I cannot imagine how you would ever manage a unique-key-less table.

See above.  The deferred UNIQUE constraint checking case is a bit of a
cop-out: there's still a unique constraint, logically, but implemented
at the application layer, with conflicts allowed to exist in
uncommitted (but not committed) transactions (but an application
transaction might well consist of more than one SQLite3 transaction).
The downstream-of-app-that-allows-conflicts case is also a cop-out.

More generally however, it's clear that a unique constraint is not
necessary to make rowid-less tables work (see the MySQL example), SQL
doesn't require unique constraints, and it's not clear that just
because you (or I) lack imagination that unique constraints ought to
be required.  On the contrary, SQLite3 has never required a unique
constraint -- the rowid is an implementation detail, one that turns
out to not be necessary.

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