On 23 Jul 2014 at 12:07, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote: 

> We are looking into adding hexadecimal integer literals to SQLite.  In
> other words, we are looking to enhance SQLite to understand 0x1234 as
> another way of writing 4660.  Hex literals are useful in conjunction with
> the bit-wise AND and OR operators (& and |) and in applications that make
> use of bit fields.
> The question is what to do with hex literals that are larger than 64 bits.
> In other words, what number is represented by (say):
>      0x123456789abcdef01

I would say take up to 64 bits. More than that to be handled as an error in the 
same way that a too-long string of decimal digits would be for an integer, or a 
floating value that won't fit because the exponent is too large.

Equally, if the string contains a character invalid for the type, handle all in 
the same way. E.g.:


should have the same error treatment, if any. I note that "select 1234zz;" in 
the shell gives a good error message but I don't know if that's just the shell 
being clever or the library is picking it up.

Regarding signed/unsigned, what is done for integers? Perhaps if a hex literal 
is prefixed with a minus, that simply forces the sign bit on.

Cheers  --  Tim
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