On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> You're never going to get non-scientific programmers to do this properly 
> anyway.  Every financial programmer knows that there are exactly 60*60*24 = 
> 86,400 seconds in a day.  You've never going to get them to use library 
> routines to work out how many seconds there are in a 30 day period.

I'm not sure that this doesn't matter to people dealing with financial
data, but I suspect that if someone cares about TAI in financial data
then they probably care about having very high resolution timestamps
too (think of high speed trading).

Perhaps the same goes for astronomers, actually: millisecond
resolution probably isn't enough if you really care about one second.
(Of course, the accumulated error from ignoring leap seconds across
decades-long intervals will be larger than one second, but still, I
think it's fair to infer that astronomers probably care about higher
time resolutions than a millisecond.

I think that's getting close to beating this poor horse a bit too
much.  Count me as in favor ignoring second values of 60 when parsing

Dealing with TAI reliably would require extending the existing date
functions, or adding new ones, to at minimum do TAI<->UTC (and/or
Julan day) conversions.  Given that it should be possible to produce
functions that do date arithmetic by converting inputs to TAI as
necessary (assuming it's possible to tell UTC inputs from TAI inputs).

FYI: http://cr.yp.to/proto/utctai.html

DJB also has a library for converting between TAI and UTC that might
be useful here: http://cr.yp.to/libtai.html .

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