Hello Michael!

mherger wrote: 
> > So I'm asking myself (and you): How can I write a little script that
> > (re)starts the LMS exactly like the webinterface?
> There's the "restartserver" command available over CLI or JSON/RPC.

Sorry, but how do I use that?

I was hoping to execute the command from a bash script or something

> But before you go down that route, why don't you try to fix the actual 
> issue? I'm not familiar with pack-eis. But I'm pretty sure that the 
> package maintainer did add some startup script which is causing 
> problems. Did you get in touch with him?

Yes I did. The problem is: He doesn't maintain it any more / gave up
last year. He still maintains eisfair itself and some packages, but
doesn't use LMS on eisfair himself any more.

Also, there are only a few people with "slow" servers having a real
problem (I have an Atom 270), at others LMS seem to "only" occupy 6% to
10% without restarting via webinterface but some kind of high overall
load. Well, if you have a multicore desktop CPU instead of my netbook

I will open another thread when I get more information from the
ex-maintainer. Until then, help with the restarting is appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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