21573LMS Version # 7.9.0 -  1457012561

The feature is simply called "Log Of Songs Played" and it resides in the
"Extras" menu. I find this much more full featured and more useful than
WWTT (no offense .. I think both are nice). It includes date played,
time, and the folder or web address the file resides in. It also
(normally but for some reason not showing up here) includes "Play" "Play
Next" and "+" icons where I can tell it to play or add to the playlist
directly from the log. I can see quite a lot in one page and it is set
up to go back by month.  Is there any way that I can install/add this on
the latest builds?

(And don't laugh at the John Tesh and the NStync .. that's the wife and
kids .. ha ha)

|Filename: Log of songs played, July 2013.jpg                       |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21573|

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