soundcheck wrote: 
> @pippin
> I actually talked to several Android developers. None of them is
> interested. They eat what's on the table.
> You should have ported iPeng long ago. None of these Android apps comes
> close. And probably won't ever.
> I had and still have the strong impression that none of them has the
> ambition to evolve their products any further. They're all in
> maintenance ("It's good enough") mode.  
> And. iPeng is not prefect either. I'd love to see a config option within
> iPeng that would  allow to immediately query&show "All Albums" after
> entering a certain Genre.
> Anyhow.
> I can get partially what I'm looking for by adding entries within
> "Additional Browse Modes" on 7.9. . That'll give me immediately
> "One-Click"  "All Albums" per Genre sorted by Artist.
> But here I have to manually configure one Additional  Browse Mode per
> "Genre". Having 20 or more new menu items under "My Music" 
> (Classcial/Jazz/...) plus the redundant  standard "Genre" submenu  is
> pretty useless, means a lot of effort and it's IMO just a poor
> workaround. If you have to reinstall LMS  you have to start all over
> again.
> To get it to a somewhat acceptable workaround level I at least would
> demand a separate customizable "SubMenu" item like "Genres2" under
> "Additonal Browse Modes" to be able to group all these new entries
> underneath that one.
> Perhaps there's a better and easier solution !?!?  Isn't there a way to
> manipulate the base menu structure??
I would like to have "All folders" on top as well. But maybe not
everyone does.
Isn't a seperate menuconfigurationfile in which the menu structures are
listed the way forward? Then everyone can alter the menu structure
accounting to his/her own needs on every device relative easily.

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