Hi Pippin,

No wired LAN.

MANY moons ago I set up a CMP(2) PC which I used to play my digital
files. With that, mainly NAIM, system I heard NO difference between WAV
and FLAC.

About ten years ago a bought a Naim NS01. this was before they produced
'streamers'. This worked well for me, but WAV was now better than FLAC.

A few months ago my NS01 died and I decided to try the Sonore
microRendu. In some ways a big step forward. But, a few weeks ago I
found myself becoming unsatisfied. A few days ago I realised that in
solving one problem I had changed my config and now the WAV files were
being streamed as FLAC. The effect was to introduce a general feel of
edge ....and cymbals lost the sound of sheen and metal but became edgy
splash. Changing the config restored order .....but, it made me hope
that I could listen to Qobuz streamed as PCM and hear whether this gave
me a similar lift. Depending on the recording Qobuz can still sound very
good, but I suspect that in my system I might be able to get a bit
better - if there is a way to transcode the FLAC.

I have started an email exchange with Phillipe. That bridge looks like a
significant amount of work. Reading the support page I suspect the
bridge won't solve this for me.

I have read as many threads on this subject as I can find, for most this
problem is a tangent. Not come across anything yet.



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