- I have the feeling (but cannot prove) that an earlier version of the
scanner in macOS completed the scan without problems. So this may be a
regression ...

Could you please drop me a copy of that file?


It might also be worth trying to rename the file to the same name, but on the Mac. Are the files stored locally or on a NAS or something?

One question: Bypassing the Web interface, where does the scanner reside
in macOS, and what are its command line params?

$ /Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/scanner.pl
Usage: /Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/scanner.pl [debug options] [--rescan] [--wipe]

Command line options:

--force Force a scan, even if we think a scan is already taking place.
        --rescan       Look for new files since the last scan.
        --wipe         Wipe the DB and start from scratch
        --playlists    Only scan files in your playlistdir.
        --progress     Show a progress bar of the scan.
        --dbtype TYPE  Force database type (valid values are MySQL or SQLite)
        --prefsdir     Specify alternative preferences directory.
        --priority     set process priority from -20 (high) to 20 (low)
        --logfile      Send all debugging messages to the specified logfile.
        --logdir       Specify folder location for log file
        --logconfig    Specify pre-defined logging configuration file
        --noimage      Disable scanning for images.
        --novideo      Disable scanning for videos.
        --nodebuglog   Disable all debug-level logging (compiled out).
        --noinfolog    Disable all debug-level & info-level logging (compiled 
--nostatistics Disable the TracksPersistent table used to keep to statistics across rescans (compiled out).
        --debug        various debug options
        --quiet        keep silent

/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/scanner.pl --rescan


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