I'm using the JSON interface and have noticed that, when I query the
playlist and request the "remote" tag it either returns an integer 1 or
a string "0". Presumably both should be integers.

Here's an example response:

     [{u'artist': u'Public Service Broadcasting',
  u'coverart': u'0',
  u'coverid': u'-167396120',
  u'duration': u'442',
  u'id': u'-167396120',
  u'playlist index': 9,
  u'remote': 1,
  u'title': u'Tomorrow'},
  {u'album': u'Hunting High and Low',
  u'artist': u'a-ha',
  u'artwork_track_id': u'59b4de1d',
  u'coverart': u'1',
  u'coverid': u'59b4de1d',
  u'duration': 229.015,
  u'id': 7277,
  u'playlist index': 10,
  u'remote': u'0',
  u'title': u'Take On Me'}]

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