Just received my brand new iMac and no more Squeezeboxes (6 of them)
functioning. Could not start Server in Sys Prefs. Most of the info there
grayed out. Could not open LMS online to scan anything. Upset as hell!

Then I tried the 'turn everything off and turn everything on in
sequence' technique but no luck. Could not find anything on the forum
that resembled my problem. Slowly but surely going insane.

Then I had the 'brilliant' idea that maybe I did not even have the LMS
server on the new iMac. Seemed logical as when someone transfers data
from the old iMac to a new one, some stuff (software, passwords etc) do
not install. So I downloaded and installed the latest 7.9.1 and presto!
I have my music back! It seems that my existing 7.9.1 LMS on the old
iMac did not carry over to the new iMac doing a Time Machine transfer.


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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107522

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