dergilb wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I found the search being slower when deactivating "Full text search"
> (Anyone else experienced this?) Nonetheless, the plugin seems to be a
> bit buggy / strange / badly implemented:
> Searching for "921" -> My Music -> Songs lists for example Rogers
> Water's "The Bravery of being out of Range". Why? The bitrate ist
> 921kbps. Yay.
> In other words, the last search category (here: Songs) is ignored in
> favor of full text search covering the whole idtag. If you then somehow*
> manage to use the "All Songs" button at the bottom of this list, you
> will find that this time "Songs" is no longer ignored, thus maybe not
> all tracks (or even none) displayed as a result will make it in the
> newly created playlist.
> Example: Search for 999 -> (Songs). Two results: One song is titled 999
> (for the sake of the argument), the other has a bitrate (or any other
> tag) labeled as 999. Despite the category "Songs", the "not-song =
> not-title" result will be displayed as well. Pressing* "All Songs" now
> will only play the song named 999 (because bitrate is not "Song").
> (For Search for 999 -> (Albums) the results would be the same, but now
> no album-tag matches the selected category "Album" and "Play all" will
> in fact just clear the playlist.)
> In a nutshell: Full text search implementation is kind of strange. If
> you want straight forward results: *Deactivate Full text search*, as
> already suggested.
> Have a VERY safe and productive day.
> Der Gilb
> * "All Songs" works with iPeng, maybe some other remote apps as well. It
> does not work on for the SB Touch. The button is there, but it just
> bobs.

Der Gilb,
First off full text search was a revelation when it was being
introduced. Prior to that you could bring LMS undone with a bad search
and the only way out was to reboot the server. There is a long thread in
the beta section
. So, yes deactivating Full Text Search can slow things down.

Second, I had not realised that the targeted search - Search > Songs -
would search (as you put it) "the whole idtag" and then order the
results by song tag, rather than just search the "song tag". 
But that is a great benefit as if you know a couple of the things you
are searching for - gen lan of 952 - the artist, part of the song title
and  the bit rate, in my case there is only one result. Even if you
can't remember the bit rate you could put more of the artist name in and
narrow the results. I've also discovered today that if you have lyrics
saved in the tag then if you remember a phrase from the lyrics but not
the artist or song title you have a good chance of finding songs with
that phrase in the lyrics.

So I disagree with you, I reckon the Full Text Search implementation is
logical and lightning fast. However, I will admit that there are a
couple of rules to obey :
1. Avoid using "a" "the" "of" and other really common prepositions.
2. Avoid 's
3, I'm sure there are a few more but I can't remember them now.

A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

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3. Lists
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