I think this is an LMS issue, but I apologise if it turns out not to be,
and I'll repost this in the correct forum...

I was using the Spotify app this morning (it normally works flawlessly),
and it was failing to connect to my playlists. I went to the Web
Interface, and LMS was extremely sluggish, failing to load pages
properly. After a lot of fruitless investigation, I decided to upgrade
LMS to the newly released 7.9.0. This installed OK; and I cleared and
rescanned the library. But the problems persisted.

After restarting the Linux box (Debian Wheezy) that LMS is running on,
the web interface is responsive as normal. But as soon as I try to open
the Spotify app, the web gui almost freezes up.

After another reboot, the Spotify app opened after a long delay, but
when I tried to open my playlists the web gui ceases to respond.

This is the section of the server log after the last restart:

[17-07-05 10:45:59.6150] main::init (388) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.9.0, 1488878280, Wed Mar  8 14:27:16 UTC 2017) perl 5.014002 -
[17-07-05 10:51:41.3675] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (310)
Error: getting http://www.mysqueezebox.com/api/spotify/v1/opml
Timed out waiting for data
[17-07-05 10:51:41.3724] Slim::Web::Template::SkinManager::_fillTemplate
(337) Error: file error - recursion into
[17-07-05 10:51:41.4137] Slim::Utils::Timers::__ANON__ (273) Error:
Timer Slim::Networking::Async::_async_error failed: 
[17-07-05 11:15:20.1023] Slim::Formats::XML::gotViaHTTP (238) XML/JSON
parse error: unexpected end of string while parsing JSON string, at
character offset 41377 (before "(end of string)") at
/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Formats/XML.pm line 324.
[17-07-05 11:15:20.1065] Slim::Web::Template::SkinManager::_fillTemplate
(337) Error: file error - recursion into
[17-07-05 11:16:45.5083] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Plugin::_musicipError
(528) MusicIP: http error, no response.

I'm out of my depth here, and I'd be grateful for any advice or

Thanks in advance.

Diana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7463
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107612

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