I downloaded the LMS 7.9.0 rpm a week ago. Today I installed it on a
Fedora 26 box that was last updated on Friday. The install was
apparently good, but LMS doesn't run. 

When started it fails with these log messages:

Dec 10 19:50:27 zoogz squeezeboxserver[22172]: 
   Starting Squeezebox Server: Can't locate Slim/bootstrap.pm in @INC
   (you may need to install the Slim::bootstrap module) (@INC contains:
   /usr/libexec /usr/local/lib64/perl5 
   at /usr/libexec/squeezeboxserver line 170.
Dec 10 19:50:27 zoogz squeezeboxserver[22172]: 
   BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/libexec/squeezeboxserver
   line 170.
Dec 10 19:50:27 zoogz squeezeboxserver[22172]: [FAILED]

... lines folded for readability and intervening systemd audit messages

As a result I have two questions:

- Should the Slim/bootstrap.pm module have been included in the issued
  rpm archive or at least linked as an rpm dependency? If so, please
  let me know when a fixed rpm is available.

- If Slim/bootstrap.pm was intentionally omitted, where should I get it
  from and how should it be installed, i.e. with cpan, and where should
  it go?

Best regards,

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