vco1 wrote: 
> Some strange behaviour here that - although not causing issues - annoys
> me a bit. Especially since I have no idea what might be the reason.
> I see some dropped network packets on my Debian 9 server running LMS. I
> have been able to pinpoint the cause to be related to LMS in combination
> with my Samsung S8 phone. This is what is happening:
> When I select e.g. New Music from either Orange Squeeze or Squeeze Ctrl
> after a rescan (both full and incermental) I see network packets being
> dropped on my server. The number is usually around 4 packets each time,
> which might be related to the number of players in my network. Also when
> I play something via SB Player on my Samsung S8 I can see an increase of
> dropped packets. Again no high numbers, just a few per track.
> This doesn't happen with iPeng, on tablets or phones running another
> version of Android, nor with the Web UI of LMS. So it appears to be
> related to either the Samsung phone or the version of Android. However,
> the packet loss occurs only for LMS related actions. Otherwise I have
> zero packets getting lost, even when using apps on the Samsung phone via
> the same Wifi Access Point.
> Does anyone with knowledge of the communication between clients and LMS
> have any idea what these dropped packets on the server could be?

Is the player on WiFi ?

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLiteX,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U1 on
Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLiteX
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

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