Raymond Day wrote: 
> Looked at http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/WaveInput_plugin and had
> to add under "Favorites:" a name of "WaveInput" and url of "wavin:0" But
> I get no counter moving.
> Tested changing the URL to "wavin:1" and the counter goes to just 3 sec.
> then quits. I hear no sound.
> This will show a lot a screen shot of my LMS.
> 25383
> Guess it's some setting on the command line. Not sure.
> Hope some one knows.
> Looks like all most got it working.
> -Raymond Day
The plugin strips "wavin:" from the supplied URL and adds it after the
"-D" option of arecord.

So the Favorite "wavin:" URL needs the Alsa device which you use -
"pluginhw:1,0"  so the Favorite wavin URL should be wavin:plughw:1,0

A few other "Gotchas"
* Is LMS running as a service or under a different userid ? If so make
sure the userid which runs LMS has "audio" provileges so that it can
access the audio hardware (this permnission may vary according to
distro) -
* ALSA card number can vary depending on USB devices inserted and the
order of insertion.  Make sure the card and device number are correct at
time of test

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