digimaster wrote: 
> It that case, would backup the Cache and prefs directory in the
> SlimServer directory to a save place. Then Uninstall
> QLogitechMediaServer and install the latest from the app center. Then
> stop Qlogitechmediaserver and copy back the Cache and prefs to the
> SlimServer directory. Now start Qnap-LogitechMediaServer again, and all
> should work. 
> Send from my mobile Phone

OK.  I have 2 servers.  TS569 pro running 4.3.4 (Backup), and a TS
670Pro running QTS 4.3.5.  I removed Optware and QLMS 1.09a, rebooted,
and reinstalled just QLMS2.0.10 (no Optware).  2 significant problems.
1.  The servers are in constant fight for the players.  By that I mean
that the players connect to server A, but then immediately say they are
connecting to server B (but they do not).  This is happening every few
seconds.  I am having to stop one server to prevent this conflict.  TBH,
I did see this behaviour with 1.09a and gave up trying to fix it.  If I
stop either one of the servers, the other works fine.  I wonder if this
is a network problem, so unless someone has seen it before, I will
continue to investigate.

2.  I cannot get MUSICIP s to start on either machine.  MUSICIP plugin
is installed and activated.  I checked QLMS.conf and MUSICIP was set to
0, so I set it to 1.  Restarted.  Mo Musicip.  No reference to MUSICIP
in the QLogitecMediaServer.log.  If you recall, I never had an issue
with MIP before (early tester).  Maybe I forgot to do something?

Thanks for any help - your hard work is much appreciated.

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